Thursday, June 5, 2008

Poor Buckethead (The Peanut's Brother)

Poor Garcia. So, to update everyone as to his progress, on Tuesday he went to the vet and was sedated and had surgery. They first xrayed his foot and found that he did not have any broken bones. From what they could figure out, either he punctured his foot with something or was bit by something and it got infected or he sprained it and then bothered it so much that it got infected.
Either way, within 30 minutes of waking up from anesthesia, he had completely dismantled his entire cast-like bandage (that's our boy!) so he earned himself a cone hat to keep him from getting to it. He was a pretty pathetic picture running around for a bit as with his foot wrapped he wasn't putting in weight on it, so he basically was hopping on 3 legs with his bucket bobbing all around.
The cone worked for two days, but today when I got home from work to take him to the doctor, he had managed to undo his cone (pretty impressive, apparently it involved the living room rug, which he had rolled up) and had chewed off his bandage. The doctor said it looks better so he is leaving it uncovered, but Cia still has to wear a bucket on his head. And now, his bucket is taped, to prevent him from unhooking it again.
As a side note, Darwin, who normally has a great deal of disdain for his "little" brother has been particuarly sweet to him. He hasn't shown him his teeth or growled at him once, which is pretty impressive as Garcia smashes into him with his bucket at least once an hour. He even lays close to him to comfort him, which frankly, isn't Darwin's style :-)

For the weak stomached, sorry, but I thought I'd post a picture of his poor, shaved foot. Though it looks 100% better than it did as it was about double the size it is now. He goes back to the doctor again on Monday (our $75 rescue has gotten MUCH more expensive!) for another check up.
Meanwhile, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we'll try to update you about the Peanut after that.

1 comment:

Joelle Turner said...

Poor Garcia!! I read this to Tucker and I think he is in the other room crying now. He loves Cia! And he had to wear a cone when he was neutered so he can totally relate!