Just thought I'd update with a Father's Day post. Turner will have to update you all as to his experience. Before I get rolling, Happy Father's Day to everyone!
I can't really say that this was Turner's first Father's Day, per se, as the boys (Darwin and Garcia) are always very generous and give us gifts for Mother's and Father's Day. But, I'm guessing, this one was maybe a little different than the rest.
Turner actually got up before I did (not surprising these days) and started smoking a pork butt. We're going to our friends Craig and Kari's for a Father's Day dinner, and we're supplying the meat. The dogs and I got up a little later, though, and made him a big Father's Day breakfast. I'd hoped to surprise him with it, but he had noticed the eggs and such the other day in the fridge, so I think he kind of expected it.
Then, we did presents. First the dogs gave him their cards and presents.... (See pix)
The boys tend to be very generous and pick gifts for us that we would like to share with them. They did get Turner some Pretzel Flips and chocolate, but the part of the gift they were most excited about was the Hartz Squirrel and Bunny. Turner pretended to be very excited about the toys and acted like he thought they were for him which almost made the boys spontaneously combust with excitement. That said, when he finally let them have the toys, there was a great deal of doggie joy. Darwin immediately began working on giving the squirrel a "haircut" (a process in which he pulls off tiny pieces of stuffed animal hair).
Then, on to the main event.
I'd picked these up primarily because I thought they were cute AND I was pretty sure Turner would like them. You'll note, Joelle, that it's a big bib, not a tiny drool bit. That's because I learned from the Baby Bargain book you loaned me that the little bity ones are not very useful. Look how prepared I'm getting! Plus, then Turner can make the baby wear the bib that says he's cute even longer :-)
I think he was actually surprised by the last gift, a diaper bag.
He'd mentioned several times wanting a "masculine" one and I did some research on-line and got this one from Babies R Us. It's a backpack style (which supposedly is good as it doesn't fall off your shoulder while you're trying to carry the baby) and has a bottle cooler, changing pad, etc. Either way, since I decided to get it, I've been admiring all kinds of flowery, pink-striped, girly diaper bags to freak him out. I think I might have had him convinced I was going to make him carry some hot pink floral monstrosity with ribbons all over it, so I'm pretty sure that he was relieved to see this version. Oh, and it's made by Columbia which also made him happy. And, if you wonder why Turner looks so odd in this picture, that's his "fierce" supermodel look. Tyra Banks, watch out!
Well, that's all I've got for now. Turner's pulling the pork off of the smoker and I have to run and showever before we head to Craig and Kari's.
Love to all and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY again!
I LOVE the My Dad Rocks t-shirt!! SO adorable!!! Looks like your fathers day was a lot of fun. I'm so glad!!
By the way, David is SO JEALOUS of the My Dad Rocks shirt. He looked for one while we were shopping yesterday. He wants one so bad!! Where did it come from?!?
Check Walgreens...
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