I forgot to let you all know about the bravery of our dogs. In particular, I am giving credit to Garcia as this recent phenomenon has only begun since he has stopped crating during the day so I can only assume that he is the one who is exhibiting extreme bravery in the face of attack.

Starting on Saturday afternoon, each time we come back to the house after being gone, we have found that our very large and therefore, formidible Peace Lily is missing several leaves which are strewn about the rug in the living room. Often times, the ends of the rug are also rolled up, showing a sign of struggle. Clearly, the boys KNOW better than to eat the plant, so I can only assume that the plant has been attacking them and they have responded in self-defense. That said, yesterday morning I set the Peace Lily up on a table in the living room to try and keep it from getting to the dogs, but when I came home, I found more evidence of a struggle and the Peace Lily was sitting askew on the table as though it had tried to jump off and assault the dogs. Garcia had clearly, very bravely, taken several large bites out of some of its remaining leaves.
Today, we've relocated the Peace Lily to another room and shut the door in the hopes of preventing it from going after the dogs again. I have been talking to Kari about sending it to live with her as she doesn't have dogs, so my hope is that it would be more "peaceful" in her home.... (that and it is GIGANTIC and we're running out of room for it). I just wanted to forewarn any of you that had pets regarding the so-called "Peace" Lily's aggressive and violent tendencies. If there's one in your home, keep a close eye on it. You never know when they'll strike.
Since I am the sole human witness to this event, I feel it's my duty to stress how true these events are. Imagine, walking into your own house and seeing rugs strewn about in a clear sign that something has been attacking your dogs!!
Whew...Thank God you are taking care of this issue BEFORE Bernie gets here. I wouldn't want it took be attacking him/ her, too. Love the picture of the boys in the back of the car! They are clearly VERY innocent of any wrong doing in this matter.
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