Just thought I'd post a relatively quick update as to our weekend.
This weekend and next we're dog sitting for Callie, Nichole's dog. She's a pretty easy girl to sit for, all things considered, save she has a penchant for early mornings and is a very slow eater so we have to guard her food so the boys don't make off with it :-)
Saturday we ran some errands and hit Cool Springs and Franklin to look at baby things. Turner has been doing tons of research on strollers and there are a few brands that are hard to come by at Babies R Us (at least IN the store) and so we wanted to see them in person. We went to USA Baby in Franklin which was very high-end (read: Expensive) and we're accosted by this pushy salesperson. We did get to see an entire Combi carseat/stroller set which was of interest to us... (I've started to realize that unless you are pregnant or have recently had a baby, most of this is pretty boring stuff). Then we went to Sears and met our friends Frank and Amber and their baby Corrie at Costco briefly.
Then last night we went to Frank and Amber's for dinner. Alas, shortly after dinner we got a call from our neighbors to tell us that the dogs had broken out a window in the living room and were in danger of cutting themselves to smithereens. The neighbors weren't able to get too close to try to calm them down as they kept sticking their faces out and almost cutting themselves every time someone got close. We rushed home in an absolute panic, calling our vet to get the emergency vet's number en route, but fortunately found that all 3 dogs were unharmed and not particularly upset at all. After some super fun glass clean up and rebuilding the window from cardboard (we're nothing if not classy), we watched the end of a movie and then went to bed.
Today we again did some comparison shopping although along with baby jazz, we added replacement windows into the mix (although we could just replace the broken pane of glass, the windows in our house are the originals from 1940 so it would a. be hard to match the glass and b. we'd run the risk of the same thing happening again.) We have appointments set up with American Home Design and Home Depot to get quotes on Monday and Tuesday and have a few other options we're considering as well... We'll see what happens.
In more exciting news, we went to the one store in Nashville that carries the Mia Moda stroller (though not the one we want) so we went to check it out. The store is called Popo and is in the new Hill Center in Green Hills. We were really impressed with the design and function of the stroller they carried, so we have officially (drum roll please) decided on travel system, the Mia Moda Energi with the Mia Moda Viva car seat.

I really cannot express the amount of research Turner has put into this, so I'm very excited that it has all paid off and we both feel satisfied and happy with what we've chosen. If you want to see more about it, check out their website for demos and such at:
Tonight we met Brandon and Michelle for dinner at Broadway Brewhouse. It was a beautiful night out and so we got to enjoy sitting on the patio. Plus, Turner had been jonesing for Brewhouse food for a few weeks so his wish finally came true.
Finally, I thought I'd include a few updated pix of me pregnant. Not sure how much you can tell from the pix, but I'm really starting to look pregnant.
I'd felt kind of frumpy all day in non-maternity clothes when we went shopping, so I decided to try to dress up a little bit to go to Brewhouse. My theory was that this was kind of a pregnant mod-look. Not sure it quite worked, but I didn't feel so frumpy :-)
Hope all of you had a great weekend and have a good upcoming week.