So, we've been busy of late and I've been a bit under the weather, but I stayed home today thanks to a sinus infection so I thought I'd get caught up on putting some updated pictures on the blog. I can only figure out how to attach five pix per post, so the rest will come in you weekly update...
All in all, the pregnancy is still going well. Quinn is clearly getting bigger as I am more aware of him more of the time. And although I feel cruddy with the sinus infection, it doesn't seem to be slowing him down a bit :-) We saw the doctor on Tuesday and all appears great. The C-section on 12/2 is set for 2 pm right now. So, if he waits it out, Quinn has a semi-official birth date and time.
This is a super adorable outfit we got from David and Joelle and the girls and Tucker. It is most certainly one of my new faves in the 0-3 set as I like how it will allow Quinn to immediately begin to embrace his inner "cool" :-) They also got us a really sweet puppy bib that I'm sure will see lots of use. I'm amazed at how full his drawers are getting, especially the 0-3 and 3-6. Other than being a little light on 3-6 sleepers (and by a little light, I mean he could use 3 more or so) our boy is set!
Earlier this week my friend Carolyn came over and hung out with us. It was a lot of fun, though she had the misfortune of coming on the first day that I felt kind of cruddy so I may not have been the best hostess in the world. Thank goodness for Turner, who is a better host than I am anyway. Carolyn had gotten Quinn these two sleepers (sorry, I cut out one of the adorable puppy feet in my picture):
She also got him this puppy outfit. Carolyn and I used to work together at Doane Pet Care and she still works there-though she is starting a new job on Monday!!! Either way, the boys have gotten very spoiled by Auntie Carolyn and expect her to bring over lots of dog snacks when she comes, so they were very disappointed as they rooted through the gift bag to only find baby things :-) I tried to explain that the puppy outfit was kind of for them too, but I don't think they got it.
Last week we met up with Michelle and Brandon for dinner (before she jetted off to Hawaii for a trip...) and she gave Quinn this great frog, Phillipe (the one on top with the crown). I don't know how many of you know this, but my mom called me Frog when I was little because of how I slept when I was a baby so I kind of have a soft spot for frogs. In truth, I'm not even 100% sure Michelle knows that. The Dog book was from Frank, Amber and Corrie and Turner got me the striped frog as a present during the pregnancy. The great thing about frogs is they tend to go really well with the room's color scheme-ha!
Anyway, I'm off to work on the week 31 update, so stay tuned!
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