There are tons of pix out there, but Turner and I didn't take many of our own as we were kind of busy a lot of the time so I will try to get more up later.... Meanwhile here are a few:

This was the centerpiece. Our friends did a great job of making really usable centerpieces with lots of burp clothes and diapers that also looked amazing.
Just a small sampling of the food. There were more things than I can probably remember to list and everything was great. A few of my faves were the taco soup, vegetarian chili, Hallow-weenies, petit-fours, choco-krispie treats, and monster eyeballs. Keeping in mind I'm pretty food focused now, I was in heaven :-) There was also some rockin' punch! (I think now you are seeing just how excited I get about food, eh???)
This is just a shot of everyone hanging out during the party, but thought I'd include it. Again, I'll try and post more later.
Finally, a shot of Turner and I getting ready to open presents. I had a special hat that said "Quinn's Mummy" and Turner was appropriately labeled as "Baby Daddy" (if you are unfamiliar with the term, you should spend a little quality time in the court system :-) I'm pretty sure there is a picture of us where you can read the hats better so I'll make sure to find that.
All that said, we had an absolutely wonderful time and so enjoyed hanging with our Nashville friends and framily (a term that I learned from Tracey for friends who are like family). Between this and the other showers, Quinn is starting out as a very spoiled boy. I'm not sure we'll be able to live up to his expecations. We feel so lucky to have so many people who love and support him (and us!!!). We're hoping that it stays that way as maybe we can parlay it into free babysitting-HA! We went yesterday and spent gift cards, etc, on a few other things he needed (thermometers, changing pad and such). Oh, and a toy box, as though he isn't even here yet, he has more toys than his shelves can accomodate! I'm going to put some updated pictures of his room and set up on the blog soon, but in truth, there was so much to assemble and do that we haven't managed to get it all done yet.
Thanks to everyone who hosted and came to the shower and also to the spouses of the hostesses as I know they put in some extra time, also!
Love to all,
Sounds like a great time! I meant to call on Saturday before the shower and wish you good showerings, but clearly that did not happen. I really wish we lived closer to you guys so that we could be at all these exciting functions, but I'm glad you have such awesome friends to take care of you in Nash-Vegas. Miss you guys!!
Thank you for sharing such great pictures with us. We really miss being close enough to share these times with you. The blog and pictures really help!
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