Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quinn's Room Update I

Here's an updated shot of the corner with the glider. I'm not sure too much has changed, but can see Phillipe, his new frog from Michelle, part of the piggy bank she made him and one of his photo collages of his daddy as a little guy.

Here's an updated shot of his crib. The only new thing here is the mobile my mom got him which casts stars and moons while it spins.

Here's the dresser with one of his new lamps.

Here's the mobile that Becky got him over his changing pad. I like the contrast of the bright colors with the silver mirror and clock (which is also new).

And here's a wider shot of his changing area, the new toy box and the corner of his crib.

All in all, I must say, it's good to be a Quinn!

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