Turner spent the day golfing with Frank and hanging with Frank, Amber, Corrie and Bennie who kept him entertained. When he got home, I gave him his video camera which was his big surprise present that I'd saved for him. He seemed pretty happy with it, I think.
Then the party officially started. We had a ton of food (turkey, coconut chicken rice, sweet potatoes, cheese cubes, a fruit tray, taco dip, a cheese ball, oranges with coconut cake inside, ambrosia, the list goes on....) and I think everone had a pretty good time. We ended up watching some SC football, which of course made the bday boy very happy. The dogs were delighted to entertain so many guests and I think everyone enjoyed getting Hawaiianed up.... As a side note, they don't make a grass skirt big enough to go all the way around my giant belly so I had to wear a skirt underneath :-)
I'm including a few more photos...
The fellas sporting their leis in honor of their dad's 30th!

Susan, Kari, Mindy and me... Susan had earlier said that I was photogenic. I think I proved her VERY wrong!
Me and Nichole (if you can't tell, I'm a little intimidated by her hat)

A little of the outdoor decor (who says Nashville's not Honolulu???)

Aloha from me, Turner and Quinn!!!
If you can't get enough of the luau pix, you can see them all at:
(Kodak gallery started acting odd so I had to switch it up)
Love to all,
Awwe! It sounds like the luau was SO much fun! I wish that we could have been there to celebrate with you guys! Jessica, it sounds like you threw an awesome party and I know for a fact that Michael had an awesome 30th!! Miss you guys!
We miss you, too, Regina! But we should have a great Thanksgiving and then top it off with a new nephew for you :-)
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