We'll try to get on here later and make some notes, but here you go!!
This was our second ultrasound and the second time we've gotten one of these cards. He's not actually a member of an 80's boy band :-)
Another full body shot...
This one was the 3D Ultrasound. Apparently, you can see a lot better when it's bigger. Quinn seemed to think this was a fun time to hide.

On the one below, you can see the heart (I circled it!!). We saw all 4 chambers and everthing was good. We got to hear the heart beat and his pulse was 150 bpm.

For proof that al of the limbs are there, I included this hand...
...and foot.

Those pictures are great! Really clear! He looks great!
So cute! I think he has Michael's hair! hahahahahaha.. I crack myself up! Miss you guys!!
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