Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quick update...It's a.....

And we're planning (thus far) to name him Quinn Lewis Turner.
He's perfectly proportioned, very cute, clearly very smart and a little chubby for a 1 lb baby :-) Apparently he's not going hungry! We have lots of pix (including a 3D one) as well as a video (thanks to our awesome ultrasound tech, Nancy) and Turner will post them asap as I let him take them to work. However, he's off with his boss and co-workers at a Batman premier (hard job, eh?) so it will be awhile.
Love to all,

1 comment:

Joelle Turner said...

Yea!! We picked up his first outfit (from the D. Turners) tonight. I'm so excited for you guys (for all of us -- a boy, yipee!!)!! And of course, I'm so thankful hes healthy -- we pray for him all the time.

I love the name Quinn, but I've loved all the names you guys are considering.

Much love!!