Thought I'd take a few minutes while Turner was watching football to post some pics (not sure if you are sensing how much I LOVE watching football...). This week it has just been me and Quinn. We've enjoyed having all the company, but at the same time it has been a good opportunity to start trying to establish a routine. Granted, I really only feel good about the routine we've had the last two days as Monday and Tuesday I was super-sleep deprived and not particularly pleasant. We're working towards a rhythm though and we'll get there. Granted, tomorrow we're traveling to SC to see Turner's family, so I'm sure that some adjustments will be made for the time change and such. Still, bit by bit I think we're getting a better idea for who Quinn is and what he needs instead of just general baby info... It's funny, but even as little as he is he still very much has his own personality, preferences and characteristics.
I'm finding that no matter what the baby books say, a 5 week old Quinn actually prefers to have quite a bit of "awake time" during the day. He's started taking a real interest in things this week, in particular, his bouncer chair and play mat. I'm not 100% sure he actually understands how his hands function at this point, but he really enjoys batting them towards objects and can hold onto something now for a few seconds at least if you give it to him. He's also started mimicking us, in particular by sticking out his tongue. And he's really looking for sounds he recognizes now, mostly me, Turner and the dogs. All that said, we're pretty sure he is a baby genius :-)
If only he'd had a velvet smoking jacket and were in a library, I'm sure he'd have solved many of the world's problems right then... So deep in thought
Doing a bit of his plotting from his bouncer. Don't worry, we keep him strapped in so he can't act upon his plans just yet!
A little post milk coma sporting his outfit from Aunt Regina and Uncle Chris.
Natalie and Alyson with Quinn at the DA's Office. We went by to see my co-workers on Monday and Quinn proved to be quite a ladies man. At one point, I'm pretty sure he had 7+ women all crowded around him and there was a line with an order as to who was holding him next.
Teresa and Becky with Quinn. He was very sweet and didn't mind being passed around at all. I think he loved all the attention.
Taking a bath. He still hates having his hair washed, but other than that, he seems to be really enjoying bath time now. He scoots around a bit and really likes having water sprinkled on him. He would still prefer that I leave his face unwashed though :-)
Well, that's all for now on this post. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to post a video or two now...
For those of you who are enjoying all the posting, thank football season :-)
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