--Turner takes over here--
We had a great trip to Greenville, although it was a bit of a whirlwind. It turns out that traveling is not quite as easy with a baby. He travelled like a champ though and was a super-good. We stopped at Taco Mac outside of Atlanta at 11:30 and fed him while we ate and they won our eternal loyalty! They put us in a large booth and everybody came by and oogled over Quinn and made us feel great. . We didn't actually get to my parents house until around 3 AM on Saturday and my mom fed Quinn while we unloaded the car. Then we slept...
Saturday afternoon we took family pictures which we'll try to get posted up here before too long and that evening we went to David and Joelle's new house for dinner and to watch football. For those who care; we're not discussing the football games from that Saturday because the memories were too painful. For those that don't care; there was football, we watched it. Joelle made chili and we had my whole family there (minus Chris and Regina because Regina was out of town for the evening) plus my friends Steve and Candice Moore and their 2 kids Rivers and Delaney. If you're keeping score at home, that's 10 adults, 5 kids between 5 weeks and 4 years old and one very terrifying tiny Westie named Tucker (if you don't think a Westie can be terrifying, just ask Delaney!)
Sunday was church, lunch and a nice nap and then we went out with Chris, Regina, David, Joelle, Steve and Candice to Wild Wing Cafe while my parents kept Quinn and his cousins Lyla and Pressley. We had a great time and that's where most of the pictures below come from, so it'll be like you were there when you scroll down.
Turner, Jess, Quinn and Lyla having fun on Saturday night!
So, we got back to Nashville on Monday night after another good drive and it was good to be home. For the next couple of days, Quinn was spitting up quite a bit and fussier than usual. Finally, we decided to take him to the doctor's office on Thursday afternoon to see if they could tell us what, if anything, was wrong with him. His pediatrician suggested that he was the right age, race, and gender to potentially have a common but not well known condition cally Pyloric Stenosis (hyperlink included for those who want more info). It's essentially a condition where the exit valve from the stomach doesn't let food out into the small intestine. Dr. McVie (Quinn's pediatrician) said that it can be diagnosed easily with and ultrasound and, if it comes back positive, can be fixed with a routine laproscopic surgey. So, she got us an appointment for an ultrasound at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital and we headed over there.
Now, if any of you ever have a kid with pyloric stenosis, you'll know what to expect. After the ultrasound, we can't help you... Quinn didn't have it.
Dr. McVie told us to try adding some cereal to his formula and see if that helps. So far, he's been spitting up less and sleeping a LOT more. We'll keep you all posted on his progress.
Thanks for reading this far. I know it's been a long post. I got started on the new blog today and I hope to have that up in the next few days.
Hope all is well.
Oh, if your reading, you should leave a comment. We really enjoy hearing from everybody.
And again, I should thank my beautiful and amazing wife for keeping this thing up and running. Quinn gave her his first real smile while we were in Greenville. I think he's quite taken with her and thoroughly approves of the job she's doing as a mom. I wholeheartedly agree!