First of all, don't panic, Quinn is fine. We just thought this was a funny title (we stole it from a book) as Quinn feels he has been put through a number of injustices today and is getting more and more opinionated about what he wants. But he is doing well all things considered and although he might tell you differently, he hasn't really had such a horrible, terrible bad day at all :-) He IS still congested and is having some goopy eyes and a little reflux through his nose so he is going to visit the pediatrician tomorrow for a check up. He isn't running a fever, so we think all is well and right now he is napping away to the Beach Boys so we don't anticipate anything major, but we'll keep you posted as to how his visit goes...
Now, back to Quinn's terrible day...
Oh, and as a preface, I don't have pictures of everything that he has found annoying today, so I'll put pix of what I have and then add a few other new pix for you...
So, in the first of today's injustices, Quinn was very frustrated with his mommy this morning. Turner has been staying up and doing his 12 or 1 am feeding and then I take the 3 or 4 am feeding. This morning when we were doing his early morning feeding, Quinn got very mad at me as I refused to let him keep on his dirty diaper. He tried telling me that it was his choice an if he wanted to wear a dirty diaper he should get to, but I didn't buy it. Then, to add insult to injury, when he spit up on his sleeper and I decided that we should change it he decided that was the last straw. He threatened to call DCS and report me for baby cruelty. I tried to explain that I thought that they would be MORE upset if they found out that his mommy let him wear poopy diapers and cold outfits covered in spit up, but he maintained they would take me in. Thankfully, he's too little to really operate the cell phone yet so he didn't have a good way to make the call. Oh, and he has a short attention span, so I was able to cuddle him back to sleep and I think he might have forgotten.
Later in the morning, he started getting his goopy eyes and again, it turned out that mommy and daddy were doing it all wrong. According to Quinn's opinion, we should absolutely, positively NOT clean out the goop in his eyes. That's wrong. I guess, based upon his reaction we should possibly just let it build up in there. I'm not quite sure what would happen if we did that, but Quinn would really like to find out. Because of his eye goop, in our worst parenting decision yet, we decided to call his doctor and make an appointment to take him in. Now, I'm not sure that Quinn really gets going to the doctor yet, but his two brothers have told him that if going to the doctor is anything like going to the vet, it is some terrible stuff. Darwin offered to call the Humane Society on Quinn's behalf to report us, but fortunately, his lack of opposable thumbs stopped him. (Turner and I are both in fear of the day that Darwin and Quinn can work together with diabolical plans and opposable thumbs... I'm pretty sure we'll be in big trouble then)
While he was asleep, I used an emery board to file down his nails. Although he didn't seem to mind it much since he was working on his pacifier for the whole time AND sleeping (that's my little multi-tasker!), he did seem frustrated when he woke up when he found that his fingers were no longer a danger to him and he didn't have his sharp nails anymore... I guess most guys aren't into manicures....
Then, in the most horrific of injustices, we decided to give Quinn a sponge bath. Seeing as how we'd been home from the hospital for two plus days and he hadn't had a bath in at least that long, we thought it might be time. Again, Quinn was not of the same opinion. That can clearly be evidenced by the photos attached....
After his bath and drying off, we took him shopping very briefly. (His pediatrician-and all that we surveyed-said that brief trips out were fine as long as we didn't take him places where lots of people would handle him. His stroller really came in handy as with both of his guards up, no one could even get near him). He did well and slept through it all. I don't even really think he knows he was out and about. I did find that I am a bit on the overprotective side and ended up having to push the stroller as I kept worrying that everyone who was pushing their cart by at a fast clip might collide with him. I think it was good for all of us to get out for a bit though and he was snug as a bug with his swaddler on and two blankets protecting him. And we got him a few smaller outfits (preemie sized) as he is swimming in all but his newborn sized clothing and we couldn't find much in the way of newborn sized today. It'll be good to actually see where he is in his clothing for a change and to be able to let him wear hats that aren't from the hospital for a change :-) We didn't get lots by any means, but I figure that since it's natural for him to lose weight for a bit and only be back at his birth weight by 2 weeks, he might as well have a few things that fit him for that time period. We'll get some pictures of him in his new clothes soon.
And that concludes Quinn's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! All in all, we're actually all doing quite well. Turner and I are a bit on the tired side but I think we're adjusting. Quinn has his moments, but in general is a happy, agreeable little guy and we both love him so much, I know that I can't even imagine life without him now, which is crazy, but true. And though we've had a few challenges with his nose issues, etc, we're doing pretty well. The antibiotic for his nose is working and it looks much better and he's eating well (pretty voraciously really) and having less reflux. Save the goopy eyes which we'll get checked out tomorrow, I'd say all is well.
Here are a few more pix to enjoy.
Darwin and Garcia have been getting to know Quinn. All in all, they've been doing quite well. Garcia managed to split one of his toenails (again!) and got a visit to the vet which is why he is bandaged in the photos. It kind of slowed him down at first which was good, I think. Of course, while we were out today he chewed off his bandages so now he is back to his regular self :-)
This was Quinn's first football game with daddy. Since he was more than 10 or so inches from the screen, I don't really think he got a lot out of it, but he hung in there for a few minutes before he fell asleep which is better than I did when I first started watching :-)
Just a picture to show you that no matter what Quinn says, I'm actually not abusing him. I even think he likes me most of the time.
Last, but certainly not least, is Quinn's "Tummy Time". We've been putting him on his stomach some which is recommmended so that he can strengthen his neck muscles and to prevent issues with his head being misshapen, etc. Most of the time, he really enjoyes it and roots around quite a bit, but this afternoon he was wiped out (maybe from all of his trauma :-) and he just passed out. We had to snap a few pix before we let him go down for his nap as he was so cute.
Love to all and we'll post more soon! Oh, and just in case there are any doubts, we are loving being parents!!
You are such a mean mommy, giving him a bath! The picture with Garcia is really cute, by the way. Was good to see you all last night, and I hope Brenda has a good visit.
Hey guys!! Kari gave me the link to your cute blog! Quinn is so precious! Congrats!! Now you will have lots to scrapbook Jessica!!
~Heather Rawlings
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