I have been letting Jess do most of the talking because I've been so busy lately that I really just haven't had time! She's been extra sleepy and she gets tired so easily, that she just can't help out like she used to, so I get up early and go to bed late and work hard in between. Here's what Jess was doing Saturday morning:
I wanted to beat the heat and get out and do all the yard work and clean the house and do the laundry and paint Quinn's room and move the office and build a ceiling fan out of cardboard, twigs and glue (I know it doesn't sound like much, but I decided to take it easy this weekend). I also needed a haircut, which Jess usually does, but I didn't want to wake her. So, I got up early and gave myself a haircut!! What do you think?? I think I may have missed one little spot, but pretty good for my first time!
Actually, things really are going great. 5 Months ago it seemed like we had a mile long list of things to buy and do and it's amazing how short that list is now. It was a great feeling to finish the baby room (Couldn't have done that without Craig, Kari, and Corbin!! Thanks again!) and put all of the furniture in place. There's still plenty more to do, but it's great to see how far we've come. We're both incredibly excited and can't wait for him to get here. Here are a few preggo pictures of my beautiful wife just so everybody get's an update:
She's still feeling great and she looks amazing. So far, this has been an incredible experience and it keeps getting better. It's hard to believe that we'll have an extra little man wondering around the house in just a few short months!
Thanks to everybody who reads this for all of your help and support. Quinn is going to be one lucky kid to have all of you!
Jess! You look beautiful!! Quinn is really starting to poke his little booty out there, I can't wait to see you in person! Have you felt any kicks yet??
Like the new "do" Turner! That was a nice blog post. It made me laugh and "awe."
You're hilarious. Maybe you should leave the haircuts to Jessica. You don't have enough to mess up!
So you really did that to your hair? Nice job! The rest of your family looks beautiful... try to catch up. :-)
Your Loving Sister
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