I decided to do these posts around pictures as frankly, I can't help but share lots of these pictures as I love them so much. Hope that's okay with everyone!
Ada Katherine Turner was born on April 27th at 11:53 am (not bad for a planned c-section at noon-the doctor and everyone was there early so we just went for it!...Maybe she will break the curse of our particular part of the Turner family being consistently late :-) We'll see...).
Ada Katherine Turner was born on April 27th at 11:53 am (not bad for a planned c-section at noon-the doctor and everyone was there early so we just went for it!...Maybe she will break the curse of our particular part of the Turner family being consistently late :-) We'll see...).
She was 5 lbs, 13 oz and 18 inches long.

After she was born, her daddy and she stayed with me in recovery and when we headed to our room, the first person she got to meet was her big brother, Quinn.
I love this picture of Auntie Joelle meeting Ada for the first time. I think she's pretty taken with her. Granted, they should have been pretty comfortable with one another as they spent a lot of time together when Ada was in the womb... Joelle even got Ada addicted to her chocolate chip-marshmallow cookies before she was on the outside

Grandmother and Grandaddy decided they were wild for Ada right away (which is great as she LOVES to be held, so the more arms the merrier).
Gigi was a rockstar throughout the time we were in the hospital. She and Cuncle stayed with Q (and the dogs) and she even managed to get him to the hospital on time to meet his new baby sister (which, let's be honest, I would have failed to do). And though Great Granddaddy won't hold Ada, he has exclaimed over her beauty each and every time he sees her, so I think he's smitten, too.

We were actually pretty intimidated by having the baby at St. Francis as they didn't have a nursery which is what we were used to in Nashville, but it ended up being a wonderful experience. On top of a great staff, etc, they offered a Family Celebration which was basically a party for older siblings. It came complete with "happy cake" (which is what Q calls any cake-he picked it up from Lyla and Pressley and I must admit it makes sense, as who isn't happy to have cake). I believe he ate at least 2 servings of icing only while we were at the hospital.

Once we got home, we started trying to establish a more normal routine. Q was pretty unsettled and has had some issues with sleeping since we got home. He also seemed to be testing his boundaries the first few days with me in particular. However, he never took it out on his baby sister... Mostly he seemed to blame mama :-) He does have a hard time understanding why she cries, but tries to comfort her by saying "It's ok, Eee-ah" (which is how he says Ada).

I took this picture shortly after she came h0me. I have to admit, we'd watched America's Next Top Model the might before I took this picture. I think she may have taken it to heart.
For a little bitty girl, she's an eating machine. We were trying to call her "biscuit" as we call Q a "bean", but I have to say that "tapeworm" seems more appropriate most of the time. She is eating 4 oz in one sitting (which is a lot for her age) and still won't go more than 3 hours between feedings. When we went to her one week check up, she was back up to 6 lbs, 2 oz (she'd dropped down to 5 lb, 9 oz in the hospital...most babies lose weight after birth). And, she'd grown a whole 1/2 inch :-) Though she seems to be considering a modeling career, I'm not 100% sure her height is cooperating yet!

After she was born, her daddy and she stayed with me in recovery and when we headed to our room, the first person she got to meet was her big brother, Quinn.
At first he was a little apprehensive, but he jumped right in to his role as Big Bro!
Grandmother and Grandaddy decided they were wild for Ada right away (which is great as she LOVES to be held, so the more arms the merrier).
Gigi was a rockstar throughout the time we were in the hospital. She and Cuncle stayed with Q (and the dogs) and she even managed to get him to the hospital on time to meet his new baby sister (which, let's be honest, I would have failed to do). And though Great Granddaddy won't hold Ada, he has exclaimed over her beauty each and every time he sees her, so I think he's smitten, too.
I have to admit I just put the ribbon on her to take her picture. I think with the headdress and the leopard print, she kind of is rocking a Bea Arthur look!
Once we got home, we started trying to establish a more normal routine. Q was pretty unsettled and has had some issues with sleeping since we got home. He also seemed to be testing his boundaries the first few days with me in particular. However, he never took it out on his baby sister... Mostly he seemed to blame mama :-) He does have a hard time understanding why she cries, but tries to comfort her by saying "It's ok, Eee-ah" (which is how he says Ada).
She's already had several outtings to the park and the zoo and the like (though I've avoided confined indoor spaces), since her big bro likes to go!
I took this picture shortly after she came h0me. I have to admit, we'd watched America's Next Top Model the might before I took this picture. I think she may have taken it to heart.
All in all, things are going relatively well. It's funny as we felt totally prepared for this going in, and though in a lot of ways, it is easier as we kind of know what we are doing, I'm amazed at how different the experience is with Ada. Partly, I'm sure, cause we're juggling two kids, but also just because she is so much her own person already (though I have to say, that doesn't mean I can predict who she'll grow up to be or even what kind of toddler she'll become). In truth, though we're tired and I'm hormonal and a bit overwhelmed at times, I'm also so thankful for her and the incredible addition she is making to our already mostly amazing journey!
Until next time,
Love to all,
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