Things have gone well in the last two weeks. We're starting to figure out who Ada is, her likes and dislikes, etc. Granted, I will say, she isn't proving to be the easiest going girl ever, but, well, I guess that isn't 100% surprising.
Ada has proven to be a very active girl when she is awake (which is mostly when she should be sleeping). She has really good head and neck control, rocks tummy time, and actually managed to roll herself over on her tummy time mat already. (I'm planning to ask her pediatrician if that actually counts as her first time rolling over as she does have a pillow on the mat). Crazy, busy girl.
She also has a LOT of strong opinions for someone so small. She believes in being held almost all the time, but it is critical that she is being held in the manner in which she chooses to be held and you better figure out what that is as quickly as possible as she'll tell you about it. Even when she is content, she is VERY vocal and constatly grunts, warbles and snorts (sounds cute, eh?). In truth, it kind of is....though I have a hard time sleeping with all her "chatter" as I worry something might actually be wrong.
Note that in this family shot, though Turner, Q and I look reasonably ok, Ada looks annoyed thus proving my previous point. To my credit, though, right before this picture was taken, Q reared back and accidentally slammed his big, hard noggin into my cheekbone. However, since I had already realized the relative impossibility of a decent family photo, I pushed through the pain and smiled.... What a trooper!
The Saturday after my birthday, we had what I can only assume will be our last baby shower. Candice hosted it for us at the church. It was a ton of fun and we were so glad that as well as most of our Greenville family, my mom was also able to attend.
Sweet (looking) baby girl!
I hate that this picture didn't come out very cleanly as it is the first time I've managed to capture her sweet, goofy baby smile.
Q LOVED Giga/Gaga's visit as he got some (much needed by him) extra attention!
The boys (Darwin and Garcia) are adjusting well to their new baby. And, I have to say, on her part, she never really seems to mind their big hairy faces when they lean in to check on her.
A new baby didn't keep Daddy, Quinn and Giga from enjoying a late night jam session!
I really think that a second child has matured Michael a great deal!
Ada was very content to have an extra set of arms in town for a few weeks!
Rockin' her tummy time.
Ada also got to hang out poolside with Gaga while Q got in his first swim of the season (which he has been itching to do for months) at Great-Mother and Great-Daddy's.

Q also got his first bike while Gaga was here... Did I mention that Quinn enjoyed Gaga's visit? :-) I think he may think a new baby sister is a little like Christmas. On Friday, he was scared to get on his new bike. By Sunday, he was riding it around in circles both forwards and backwards!

We also made cookies with Gaga with every kind of sprinkle we had. Good times!

Quinn is very proud of being a big brother! The first week we were home he requested to wear one of his big brother shirts every day. Thankfully, for me who was doing lots of laundry, he has slowed down on that a bit, but he really is proud of his little sister. And she really seems enamoured with him. He spends a decent amount of time invading her personal space (apparently toddlers don't really respect that), but she never gets fussy with him.

Last week, Ada found her hands. She spent quite some time admiring them while she was swinging one day!

Q also got his first bike while Gaga was here... Did I mention that Quinn enjoyed Gaga's visit? :-) I think he may think a new baby sister is a little like Christmas. On Friday, he was scared to get on his new bike. By Sunday, he was riding it around in circles both forwards and backwards!
We also made cookies with Gaga with every kind of sprinkle we had. Good times!
We had quite a cookie making team, really!
Quinn is very proud of being a big brother! The first week we were home he requested to wear one of his big brother shirts every day. Thankfully, for me who was doing lots of laundry, he has slowed down on that a bit, but he really is proud of his little sister. And she really seems enamoured with him. He spends a decent amount of time invading her personal space (apparently toddlers don't really respect that), but she never gets fussy with him.
Last week, Ada found her hands. She spent quite some time admiring them while she was swinging one day!
I thought it was only right to include one photo of her crying so everyone could see just what tiny rage looks like! She really does get good and agitated. Grandmother said at one point that it sounded a little like a cat howling. I've decided she sounds more like 2 wet male cats fighting in a burlap sack...