Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let the Blogging Begin....

So, first, you may ask, why the Turner Peanut.... well, basically the first time we went to the doctor, the nurse made reference to the baby being the size of a peanut and the name kind of stuck. Though now, he/she is larger than a peanut (about fig or apricot sized), we've stuck with the Peanut (which is particuarly odd as Turner is allergic to peanuts).
Beyond that we also call him/her Bernie quite a bit as we picked it as our gender neutral name (no nasty comments, my grandma was named Bernece) until we find out the sex. And no worries, we have no plans of keeping Bernie as a permanent name.
What else to share....
Well, basic info that we know is that we're almost 12 weeks into this and the approximate due date is 12/6/2008. We've had our first ultrasound (I'll post a pic later, have to get it into the computer) and the Peanut was perfect for 10 weeks and 3 days which is what she was at that point (I'm just going to switch gender back and forth cause it's hard to always type Bernie or the Peanut). In the ultrasound we could see his hands and head (note the big brain when I post the pic!) and the heart rate which was 161 (maybe an indication that he is a she). Either way, we were soooo excited to see Bernie for the first time and so happy all is well.
We're scheduled for another ultrasound next week (when we get back from Myrtle Beach) so we should know more then. Other than that, in general, things are going pretty well. Very minimal nausea, I've cut back on caffeine and all that jazz and things are going well.
And for those of you who already know and have been an amazing source of support, love and advice, thanks a ton!

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