She doesn't head back to the pediatrician until four months, so I don't know how much she weighs, etc. I'd guess she's at least 12 lbs and maybe more. She seems to carry a lot of her weight in her cheeks which are ginormous (in a pretty way). She isn't much longer than she was (or doesn't appear to be), but she is bursting out of her 0-3 month clothing at this point (did I mention she was a pretty girl?).
We've had a good July. Emily, Violet and Rolando came in for Fourth of July and we had a great visit. I'd put pictures up, but for some reason, the blog will not load the few pix I had selected from their visit. Bizarre. Anyway, pictures or no, trust me, we had fun. Quinn and Ada and I also went to Gatlinburg with Joelle and her kids. It was sort of an adventure as it was the two of us and the five kids. Several people commented that we were crazy and/or amazing for doing the trip. Unfortunately, Q got super-sick and had the highest fever ever the first night there and then was kind of on the mend the rest of the time, but we still enjoyed it. Plus, now I can say that I'm capable of traveling with my two kids solo (though I'm not sure that it would be as easy without Joelle & co). Other than that, we've spent a lot of time swimming (thanks in large part to Lorren!) and even more time playing baseball as our crazy Q is obsessed. Not sure if it is a phase or not, but right now he eats, sleeps and breathes baseball. He makes me play it outside until we're wringing wet and then begs me to find it on tv once I finally bribe him to come inside. When we go to the store or anywhere, he runs around pitching and hitting imaginary baseballs. He's absolutely loco. If his passion and commitment hold true, he will either be a pro player or the creepiest super-fan the world has ever seen.
Consequently, Ada spends lots of time hanging out on the screened in porch with the ceiling fan on (lucky duck) watching her brother play baseball. Beyond that, her favorite activities are: eating, kicking, madly waving her arms around, attempting to eat her entire hand in one bite, escaping from her swaddle (nothing is funnier than finding her with one chunky leg poking out), periodically holding things to make Mama proud, staring at herself and smiling in various mirrors, and watching everything with a discerning eye. She's turning into a very sweet girl and is so much fun to watch explore the world....
So, without further adieu, here are some updated Turner family pix:
Ice cream sundaes in Gatlinburg! Thanks to Kru, Quinn almost looks like a neat eater :-)
These are the cheeks I was talking about!
Ada & Pressley at a Greenville Drive game (oddly, the one with Emily & Rolando & Violet that I can't share pix of).... Everyone is amazed at how similar the girls look in this pic. This was the beginning of July, before Ada put on her "cheek weight".
Me, Regina, Joelle & Ada at the Drive game.
I took the picture myself by holding the camera out (I tell you that a. because it's impressive and b. because that way you'll know just how cool I am).
Ada sporting her tutu. I know, I know, but I LOVE the tutu trend. Ever since I found out she was a girl, I've wanted one. I just think they are so cute and fun. Plus, I imagine all the money my parents could have saved on dance lessons I could have cared less about if I just got to wear tutus whenever I wanted instead of only wearing them for dance recitals. So, I'm starting Ada with tutu access early!
Pretty D.... Love him. He constantly follows me from room to room even at 12 years old. Pressley (our niece) is also smitten with him and asked to buy him last week. I told her he cost $1000 and she told me that she had a "P" (like from her name, "P" for Pressley). I'm not 100% sure where that left us in 3 year old logic, but needless to say, I didn't give Darwin to her!
Although slightly less popular with Pressley (possibly because he accidentally knocked her over when he was looking the other way while running-cause that's what smart boys do), Garcia is still a sweetheart. He and Q are very buddy-buddy these days.
Quinn and Kru playing at the fountains downtown. I love how into it they get.
More of the pretty girl in her tutu. I like that she's "chillaxin" on the arm of the couch (I know I already mentioned I was cool, but I'm figuring my use of the "word" chillaxin' is driving that point home about now).
Q and Ada in the backyard. Ada was not in the best of spirits, but he looked so cute (You know how to get a smile like that out of Q? Promise to play baseball with him after you take the picures!) I actually thought the ones of her laying beside him turned out pretty cute (save the crying one, which I included because he's smiling which just makes it wacky).
There's that silly smile I was talking about! She really is so much fun these days!