Hey, all! Thought I'd post an update to the blog. I waited til we had our 2 month appointment today so I could post official stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 15 oz (41st percentile)
Height: 21 3/4" (18
th percentile)
Circum.: 15 1/2 (85
th percentile)
All in all pretty impressive considering she started out at 6 lbs! She's actually turning into quite a little chunk. Fortunately for her, her diaper hides some of her rolls on her thighs (never too early for camouflage :-) I love her little arms with all of her rolls...there are even rolls in her armpits!
We've been as busy as ever. Ada is a lot like Quinn was as a baby in that she is happiest when she's on the go, so we've taken advantage of that. I'm really enjoying having a baby in summer as it is so much easier to take her out and about. She spends lots of time "watching" (read: snoozing in the shade) her brother play at the park or swim in the pool, etc.
Ada definitely has reflux like Quinn did. We've been trying to get it figured out with medicine, but so far, she is still having a rough go of it. She isn't having any trouble gaining weight, but she is pretty uncomfortable a lot of the time and spends a lot of time grumbling and grunting. The pediatrician upped her dosage today, so hopefully that will help.
Beyond that, she is growing up. It's funny how fast it all goes. She has started smiling and is able to hold onto things you put in her hand. She spends a lot of time looking around trying to figure things out. One of her favorite things to do right now is sticking her tongue out over and over and over.
Here are some pics from the last month:

Ada practicing her tummy time with her audience (Darwin and Garcia follow her around most of the time. Darwin even tries to comfort her when she cries, though I'm not sure she finds his giant, hairy face looming over her particuarly soothing...)

Our friend Carolyn came in for a visit at the end of May. We had a great time while she was here and Ada REALLY enjoyed an extra set of arms! Quinn also had a big time keeping Carolyn entertained!

The fellas (my first babies) relaxing in their yard.

Quinn is doing really well with Ada overall (though he did tell me that he wanted "another baby" one day and after some discussion, I understood that he wanted to trade Ada for a baby he saw on Sesame Street who was older and more active and he was willing to trade the baby from Sesame Street for Elmo).

Michael and I got to go to Charleston for a long weekend-he surprised me with a trip for my birthday. (We owe lots of thanks to Grandmother and Granddaddy who kept the kiddos). Our trip was awesome. We hadn't been by ourselves (other than moving our stuff out of Nashville) since our trip to Disneyworld in March of 2010. We spent most of our time relaxing on the beach. It was perfect!

I LOVE this pic of Q and Ada! I took these pictures for Turner for Father's Day.

I took these pictures just a few days ago. I think you can see that Ada's filling out nicely!

Her big toe point is my favorite part of this picture!

Just so you know, she wasn't on a roller coaster, but a stationary couch!

Ada hanging out at Lorren and Cole's pool. I set up her bassinet by their grill because it is shady, but she seems to have developed a bit of a "thing" for the grill and spends a lot of time staring at it contentedly. Sweet girl!

Q is turning into a super-swimmer (thanks in large part to Lorren and Cole's generosity with their pool). He can jump in now and get his face underwater. He can even jump off of the diving board. Big boy!

Chunky monkey!

It's looking like Ada's going to wind up with the blue Turner eyes. I'm still holding out a little bit of hope for her to wind up with green eyes like her mama, but I think the odds are against me!

She makes lots of funny faces and is always raising her eyebrows (I have NO idea where she gets that from).

If you didn't know better, you might think she was angelic.
Hope everyone is well.
Love and Happy Fourth of July a little early,