Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Official Ada Update
So, today Ada is officially 6 months old and at her 6 month check up, my teeny-tiny baby was 17 lbs & 1 oz (70th percentile), 25 1/4" long (90th percentile!!!) and her head was also the 90th percentile! And they had me freaked out that her legs were too short when I was pregnant (granted, her length is predominantly in her torso, but stil!!!!).
She is a very big girl and spends lots of time talking and smiling. She loves to dance from side to side while being held or when in her excersaucer. (She got her excersaucer going so much the other night I really thought she might tip it over!). She can sit up for a few minutes at a time and do all the other standard 6 month old things.
In general, she is a very happy little girl, but when she is mad, look out! She has no problem expressing her opinions. She LOVES big brother to distraction (literally, sometimes when she is eating I have to move her away from him as she'd rather watch him than eat) and is pretty fond of other kids, too. And she loves being surrounded by her family as she thinks that she is a superstar and that the world is populated by people who think she's the cat's meow!
I'm including a link to some recent pictures.... Sorry I'm not better about updates, but hey, at least this is something
Love to all
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Ada's 4 Month Stats & Check Up
Weight 14 lbs 7 oz (57th percentile)
Length 24" (31st percentile)
Head 16 1/4 (72nd percentile)
Overall, the visit went very well, Ada was super smiley and enjoyed being admired (aka examined). However, the three shots she got at the end were another story! She got so mad!!!! People aren't supposed to stab her, they are supposed to smile at her and tell her how pretty she is! She was furious!
She dealt with all the stress just like her Daddy would though and fell asleep as soon as we walked out the door :-)
Length 24" (31st percentile)
Head 16 1/4 (72nd percentile)
Overall, the visit went very well, Ada was super smiley and enjoyed being admired (aka examined). However, the three shots she got at the end were another story! She got so mad!!!! People aren't supposed to stab her, they are supposed to smile at her and tell her how pretty she is! She was furious!
She dealt with all the stress just like her Daddy would though and fell asleep as soon as we walked out the door :-)
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Chunky Monkey (AKA Ada) at 3 Months
Wow. It's hard to believe it's been 3 months already. Ada is turning into a big girl (for a girl who started out little, she is plumping up nicely). She loves her some bottles and as her reflux is still rampant, I'm starting her on rice cereal and applesauce to try and jump start her foray into solid foods (of course, I have her pediatrician's blessing). Solid food is really what made all the difference for Q so we're hoping that Ada will ease up a bit, too, once she gets going. Thankfully, the previcid is helping a lot and she is much more pleasant these days. Lots less grunting and groaning than she was doing a month ago! She smiles quite a lot and even seems to think she's kind of funny at times. Alas, the camera flash really annoys her, so she very rarely smiles in photos.
She doesn't head back to the pediatrician until four months, so I don't know how much she weighs, etc. I'd guess she's at least 12 lbs and maybe more. She seems to carry a lot of her weight in her cheeks which are ginormous (in a pretty way). She isn't much longer than she was (or doesn't appear to be), but she is bursting out of her 0-3 month clothing at this point (did I mention she was a pretty girl?).
We've had a good July. Emily, Violet and Rolando came in for Fourth of July and we had a great visit. I'd put pictures up, but for some reason, the blog will not load the few pix I had selected from their visit. Bizarre. Anyway, pictures or no, trust me, we had fun. Quinn and Ada and I also went to Gatlinburg with Joelle and her kids. It was sort of an adventure as it was the two of us and the five kids. Several people commented that we were crazy and/or amazing for doing the trip. Unfortunately, Q got super-sick and had the highest fever ever the first night there and then was kind of on the mend the rest of the time, but we still enjoyed it. Plus, now I can say that I'm capable of traveling with my two kids solo (though I'm not sure that it would be as easy without Joelle & co). Other than that, we've spent a lot of time swimming (thanks in large part to Lorren!) and even more time playing baseball as our crazy Q is obsessed. Not sure if it is a phase or not, but right now he eats, sleeps and breathes baseball. He makes me play it outside until we're wringing wet and then begs me to find it on tv once I finally bribe him to come inside. When we go to the store or anywhere, he runs around pitching and hitting imaginary baseballs. He's absolutely loco. If his passion and commitment hold true, he will either be a pro player or the creepiest super-fan the world has ever seen.
Consequently, Ada spends lots of time hanging out on the screened in porch with the ceiling fan on (lucky duck) watching her brother play baseball. Beyond that, her favorite activities are: eating, kicking, madly waving her arms around, attempting to eat her entire hand in one bite, escaping from her swaddle (nothing is funnier than finding her with one chunky leg poking out), periodically holding things to make Mama proud, staring at herself and smiling in various mirrors, and watching everything with a discerning eye. She's turning into a very sweet girl and is so much fun to watch explore the world....
So, without further adieu, here are some updated Turner family pix:

Ice cream sundaes in Gatlinburg! Thanks to Kru, Quinn almost looks like a neat eater :-)

These are the cheeks I was talking about!
Ada & Pressley at a Greenville Drive game (oddly, the one with Emily & Rolando & Violet that I can't share pix of).... Everyone is amazed at how similar the girls look in this pic. This was the beginning of July, before Ada put on her "cheek weight".
Me, Regina, Joelle & Ada at the Drive game.
I took the picture myself by holding the camera out (I tell you that a. because it's impressive and b. because that way you'll know just how cool I am).

Ada sporting her tutu. I know, I know, but I LOVE the tutu trend. Ever since I found out she was a girl, I've wanted one. I just think they are so cute and fun. Plus, I imagine all the money my parents could have saved on dance lessons I could have cared less about if I just got to wear tutus whenever I wanted instead of only wearing them for dance recitals. So, I'm starting Ada with tutu access early!

Pretty D.... Love him. He constantly follows me from room to room even at 12 years old. Pressley (our niece) is also smitten with him and asked to buy him last week. I told her he cost $1000 and she told me that she had a "P" (like from her name, "P" for Pressley). I'm not 100% sure where that left us in 3 year old logic, but needless to say, I didn't give Darwin to her!

Although slightly less popular with Pressley (possibly because he accidentally knocked her over when he was looking the other way while running-cause that's what smart boys do), Garcia is still a sweetheart. He and Q are very buddy-buddy these days.
Quinn and Kru playing at the fountains downtown. I love how into it they get.

More of the pretty girl in her tutu. I like that she's "chillaxin" on the arm of the couch (I know I already mentioned I was cool, but I'm figuring my use of the "word" chillaxin' is driving that point home about now).

Q and Ada in the backyard. Ada was not in the best of spirits, but he looked so cute (You know how to get a smile like that out of Q? Promise to play baseball with him after you take the picures!) I actually thought the ones of her laying beside him turned out pretty cute (save the crying one, which I included because he's smiling which just makes it wacky).

There's that silly smile I was talking about! She really is so much fun these days!

She doesn't head back to the pediatrician until four months, so I don't know how much she weighs, etc. I'd guess she's at least 12 lbs and maybe more. She seems to carry a lot of her weight in her cheeks which are ginormous (in a pretty way). She isn't much longer than she was (or doesn't appear to be), but she is bursting out of her 0-3 month clothing at this point (did I mention she was a pretty girl?).
We've had a good July. Emily, Violet and Rolando came in for Fourth of July and we had a great visit. I'd put pictures up, but for some reason, the blog will not load the few pix I had selected from their visit. Bizarre. Anyway, pictures or no, trust me, we had fun. Quinn and Ada and I also went to Gatlinburg with Joelle and her kids. It was sort of an adventure as it was the two of us and the five kids. Several people commented that we were crazy and/or amazing for doing the trip. Unfortunately, Q got super-sick and had the highest fever ever the first night there and then was kind of on the mend the rest of the time, but we still enjoyed it. Plus, now I can say that I'm capable of traveling with my two kids solo (though I'm not sure that it would be as easy without Joelle & co). Other than that, we've spent a lot of time swimming (thanks in large part to Lorren!) and even more time playing baseball as our crazy Q is obsessed. Not sure if it is a phase or not, but right now he eats, sleeps and breathes baseball. He makes me play it outside until we're wringing wet and then begs me to find it on tv once I finally bribe him to come inside. When we go to the store or anywhere, he runs around pitching and hitting imaginary baseballs. He's absolutely loco. If his passion and commitment hold true, he will either be a pro player or the creepiest super-fan the world has ever seen.
Consequently, Ada spends lots of time hanging out on the screened in porch with the ceiling fan on (lucky duck) watching her brother play baseball. Beyond that, her favorite activities are: eating, kicking, madly waving her arms around, attempting to eat her entire hand in one bite, escaping from her swaddle (nothing is funnier than finding her with one chunky leg poking out), periodically holding things to make Mama proud, staring at herself and smiling in various mirrors, and watching everything with a discerning eye. She's turning into a very sweet girl and is so much fun to watch explore the world....
So, without further adieu, here are some updated Turner family pix:
Ice cream sundaes in Gatlinburg! Thanks to Kru, Quinn almost looks like a neat eater :-)
These are the cheeks I was talking about!
Ada & Pressley at a Greenville Drive game (oddly, the one with Emily & Rolando & Violet that I can't share pix of).... Everyone is amazed at how similar the girls look in this pic. This was the beginning of July, before Ada put on her "cheek weight".
Me, Regina, Joelle & Ada at the Drive game.
I took the picture myself by holding the camera out (I tell you that a. because it's impressive and b. because that way you'll know just how cool I am).
Ada sporting her tutu. I know, I know, but I LOVE the tutu trend. Ever since I found out she was a girl, I've wanted one. I just think they are so cute and fun. Plus, I imagine all the money my parents could have saved on dance lessons I could have cared less about if I just got to wear tutus whenever I wanted instead of only wearing them for dance recitals. So, I'm starting Ada with tutu access early!
Pretty D.... Love him. He constantly follows me from room to room even at 12 years old. Pressley (our niece) is also smitten with him and asked to buy him last week. I told her he cost $1000 and she told me that she had a "P" (like from her name, "P" for Pressley). I'm not 100% sure where that left us in 3 year old logic, but needless to say, I didn't give Darwin to her!
Although slightly less popular with Pressley (possibly because he accidentally knocked her over when he was looking the other way while running-cause that's what smart boys do), Garcia is still a sweetheart. He and Q are very buddy-buddy these days.
Quinn and Kru playing at the fountains downtown. I love how into it they get.
More of the pretty girl in her tutu. I like that she's "chillaxin" on the arm of the couch (I know I already mentioned I was cool, but I'm figuring my use of the "word" chillaxin' is driving that point home about now).
Q and Ada in the backyard. Ada was not in the best of spirits, but he looked so cute (You know how to get a smile like that out of Q? Promise to play baseball with him after you take the picures!) I actually thought the ones of her laying beside him turned out pretty cute (save the crying one, which I included because he's smiling which just makes it wacky).
There's that silly smile I was talking about! She really is so much fun these days!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Ada-2 Month Update
Hey, all! Thought I'd post an update to the blog. I waited til we had our 2 month appointment today so I could post official stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 15 oz (41st percentile)
Height: 21 3/4" (18th percentile)
Head Circum.: 15 1/2 (85th percentile)
All in all pretty impressive considering she started out at 6 lbs! She's actually turning into quite a little chunk. Fortunately for her, her diaper hides some of her rolls on her thighs (never too early for camouflage :-) I love her little arms with all of her rolls...there are even rolls in her armpits!
We've been as busy as ever. Ada is a lot like Quinn was as a baby in that she is happiest when she's on the go, so we've taken advantage of that. I'm really enjoying having a baby in summer as it is so much easier to take her out and about. She spends lots of time "watching" (read: snoozing in the shade) her brother play at the park or swim in the pool, etc.
Ada definitely has reflux like Quinn did. We've been trying to get it figured out with medicine, but so far, she is still having a rough go of it. She isn't having any trouble gaining weight, but she is pretty uncomfortable a lot of the time and spends a lot of time grumbling and grunting. The pediatrician upped her dosage today, so hopefully that will help.
Beyond that, she is growing up. It's funny how fast it all goes. She has started smiling and is able to hold onto things you put in her hand. She spends a lot of time looking around trying to figure things out. One of her favorite things to do right now is sticking her tongue out over and over and over.
Here are some pics from the last month:
Ada practicing her tummy time with her audience (Darwin and Garcia follow her around most of the time. Darwin even tries to comfort her when she cries, though I'm not sure she finds his giant, hairy face looming over her particuarly soothing...)
Our friend Carolyn came in for a visit at the end of May. We had a great time while she was here and Ada REALLY enjoyed an extra set of arms! Quinn also had a big time keeping Carolyn entertained!
The fellas (my first babies) relaxing in their yard.
Quinn is doing really well with Ada overall (though he did tell me that he wanted "another baby" one day and after some discussion, I understood that he wanted to trade Ada for a baby he saw on Sesame Street who was older and more active and he was willing to trade the baby from Sesame Street for Elmo).
Michael and I got to go to Charleston for a long weekend-he surprised me with a trip for my birthday. (We owe lots of thanks to Grandmother and Granddaddy who kept the kiddos). Our trip was awesome. We hadn't been by ourselves (other than moving our stuff out of Nashville) since our trip to Disneyworld in March of 2010. We spent most of our time relaxing on the beach. It was perfect!
I LOVE this pic of Q and Ada! I took these pictures for Turner for Father's Day.

I took these pictures just a few days ago. I think you can see that Ada's filling out nicely!
Her big toe point is my favorite part of this picture!
Just so you know, she wasn't on a roller coaster, but a stationary couch!
Ada hanging out at Lorren and Cole's pool. I set up her bassinet by their grill because it is shady, but she seems to have developed a bit of a "thing" for the grill and spends a lot of time staring at it contentedly. Sweet girl!
Q is turning into a super-swimmer (thanks in large part to Lorren and Cole's generosity with their pool). He can jump in now and get his face underwater. He can even jump off of the diving board. Big boy!
Weight: 10 lbs 15 oz (41st percentile)
Height: 21 3/4" (18th percentile)
Head Circum.: 15 1/2 (85th percentile)
All in all pretty impressive considering she started out at 6 lbs! She's actually turning into quite a little chunk. Fortunately for her, her diaper hides some of her rolls on her thighs (never too early for camouflage :-) I love her little arms with all of her rolls...there are even rolls in her armpits!
We've been as busy as ever. Ada is a lot like Quinn was as a baby in that she is happiest when she's on the go, so we've taken advantage of that. I'm really enjoying having a baby in summer as it is so much easier to take her out and about. She spends lots of time "watching" (read: snoozing in the shade) her brother play at the park or swim in the pool, etc.
Ada definitely has reflux like Quinn did. We've been trying to get it figured out with medicine, but so far, she is still having a rough go of it. She isn't having any trouble gaining weight, but she is pretty uncomfortable a lot of the time and spends a lot of time grumbling and grunting. The pediatrician upped her dosage today, so hopefully that will help.
Beyond that, she is growing up. It's funny how fast it all goes. She has started smiling and is able to hold onto things you put in her hand. She spends a lot of time looking around trying to figure things out. One of her favorite things to do right now is sticking her tongue out over and over and over.
Here are some pics from the last month:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Ada-1 Month Old
Ok... Now that I've actually gotten my 2 Week Post posted, time to catch up on my 1 Month Post :-)
Things have gone well in the last two weeks. We're starting to figure out who Ada is, her likes and dislikes, etc. Granted, I will say, she isn't proving to be the easiest going girl ever, but, well, I guess that isn't 100% surprising.
Michelle (Hada Madrina) and Alex sent Ada this tiny tie dye t. I decided to take a pic of her with Q in his tie dye from Gigi and Cuncle. Unfortunately, someone had an attitude and kept lapsing into hysterical screaming fits, which kept freaking Quinn out so that he would take his arm away at which point she'd slide over onto her side, so this is the best picture I got... I'm starting to realize what a miracle a good family picture will be in the future. I'm pretty sure that managing to get all four of us to look good at the same time will border on impossible.
Ada has proven to be a very active girl when she is awake (which is mostly when she should be sleeping). She has really good head and neck control, rocks tummy time, and actually managed to roll herself over on her tummy time mat already. (I'm planning to ask her pediatrician if that actually counts as her first time rolling over as she does have a pillow on the mat). Crazy, busy girl.

She also has a LOT of strong opinions for someone so small. She believes in being held almost all the time, but it is critical that she is being held in the manner in which she chooses to be held and you better figure out what that is as quickly as possible as she'll tell you about it. Even when she is content, she is VERY vocal and constatly grunts, warbles and snorts (sounds cute, eh?). In truth, it kind of is....though I have a hard time sleeping with all her "chatter" as I worry something might actually be wrong.

Giga/Gaga (Quinn calls her both as she used to be Giga, but Lyla, Pressley and Kru have a gaga, so he now uses them interchangeably) came into town to meet Ada and spend time with all of us. She was in town for my birthday and we went out with all of our family and most of our friends to Papas and Beer. It was a great night for all of us, except that they made me fried ice cream and put some whipped cream on my nose which really freaked Quinn out as he thought they had hurt me... Ada, on the other hand, was blissfully oblivious as she was enjoying her favorite activity of being passed from one person to the next and being admired!
Note that in this family shot, though Turner, Q and I look reasonably ok, Ada looks annoyed thus proving my previous point. To my credit, though, right before this picture was taken, Q reared back and accidentally slammed his big, hard noggin into my cheekbone. However, since I had already realized the relative impossibility of a decent family photo, I pushed through the pain and smiled.... What a trooper!

The Saturday after my birthday, we had what I can only assume will be our last baby shower. Candice hosted it for us at the church. It was a ton of fun and we were so glad that as well as most of our Greenville family, my mom was also able to attend.

Sweet (looking) baby girl!

I hate that this picture didn't come out very cleanly as it is the first time I've managed to capture her sweet, goofy baby smile.

Q LOVED Giga/Gaga's visit as he got some (much needed by him) extra attention!

The boys (Darwin and Garcia) are adjusting well to their new baby. And, I have to say, on her part, she never really seems to mind their big hairy faces when they lean in to check on her.

A new baby didn't keep Daddy, Quinn and Giga from enjoying a late night jam session!

I really think that a second child has matured Michael a great deal!

Ada was very content to have an extra set of arms in town for a few weeks!

Rockin' her tummy time.

Things have gone well in the last two weeks. We're starting to figure out who Ada is, her likes and dislikes, etc. Granted, I will say, she isn't proving to be the easiest going girl ever, but, well, I guess that isn't 100% surprising.
Ada has proven to be a very active girl when she is awake (which is mostly when she should be sleeping). She has really good head and neck control, rocks tummy time, and actually managed to roll herself over on her tummy time mat already. (I'm planning to ask her pediatrician if that actually counts as her first time rolling over as she does have a pillow on the mat). Crazy, busy girl.
She also has a LOT of strong opinions for someone so small. She believes in being held almost all the time, but it is critical that she is being held in the manner in which she chooses to be held and you better figure out what that is as quickly as possible as she'll tell you about it. Even when she is content, she is VERY vocal and constatly grunts, warbles and snorts (sounds cute, eh?). In truth, it kind of is....though I have a hard time sleeping with all her "chatter" as I worry something might actually be wrong.
Note that in this family shot, though Turner, Q and I look reasonably ok, Ada looks annoyed thus proving my previous point. To my credit, though, right before this picture was taken, Q reared back and accidentally slammed his big, hard noggin into my cheekbone. However, since I had already realized the relative impossibility of a decent family photo, I pushed through the pain and smiled.... What a trooper!
The Saturday after my birthday, we had what I can only assume will be our last baby shower. Candice hosted it for us at the church. It was a ton of fun and we were so glad that as well as most of our Greenville family, my mom was also able to attend.
Sweet (looking) baby girl!
I hate that this picture didn't come out very cleanly as it is the first time I've managed to capture her sweet, goofy baby smile.
Q LOVED Giga/Gaga's visit as he got some (much needed by him) extra attention!
The boys (Darwin and Garcia) are adjusting well to their new baby. And, I have to say, on her part, she never really seems to mind their big hairy faces when they lean in to check on her.
A new baby didn't keep Daddy, Quinn and Giga from enjoying a late night jam session!
I really think that a second child has matured Michael a great deal!
Ada was very content to have an extra set of arms in town for a few weeks!
Rockin' her tummy time.
Ada also got to hang out poolside with Gaga while Q got in his first swim of the season (which he has been itching to do for months) at Great-Mother and Great-Daddy's.

Q also got his first bike while Gaga was here... Did I mention that Quinn enjoyed Gaga's visit? :-) I think he may think a new baby sister is a little like Christmas. On Friday, he was scared to get on his new bike. By Sunday, he was riding it around in circles both forwards and backwards!

We also made cookies with Gaga with every kind of sprinkle we had. Good times!

Quinn is very proud of being a big brother! The first week we were home he requested to wear one of his big brother shirts every day. Thankfully, for me who was doing lots of laundry, he has slowed down on that a bit, but he really is proud of his little sister. And she really seems enamoured with him. He spends a decent amount of time invading her personal space (apparently toddlers don't really respect that), but she never gets fussy with him.

Last week, Ada found her hands. She spent quite some time admiring them while she was swinging one day!

Q also got his first bike while Gaga was here... Did I mention that Quinn enjoyed Gaga's visit? :-) I think he may think a new baby sister is a little like Christmas. On Friday, he was scared to get on his new bike. By Sunday, he was riding it around in circles both forwards and backwards!
We also made cookies with Gaga with every kind of sprinkle we had. Good times!
We had quite a cookie making team, really!
Quinn is very proud of being a big brother! The first week we were home he requested to wear one of his big brother shirts every day. Thankfully, for me who was doing lots of laundry, he has slowed down on that a bit, but he really is proud of his little sister. And she really seems enamoured with him. He spends a decent amount of time invading her personal space (apparently toddlers don't really respect that), but she never gets fussy with him.
Last week, Ada found her hands. She spent quite some time admiring them while she was swinging one day!
I thought it was only right to include one photo of her crying so everyone could see just what tiny rage looks like! She really does get good and agitated. Grandmother said at one point that it sounded a little like a cat howling. I've decided she sounds more like 2 wet male cats fighting in a burlap sack...
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